We aim to be a community of faith marked by trust in God, obedient to His Word, filled with His joy, and united in His love.
We aim to be a community of faith marked by trust in God, obedient to His Word, filled with His joy, and united in His love.
We are people who love Jesus and who want others to know the joy and purpose that come with following him.
It has never been easier to travel the globe than it is today. Volunteers have a unique opportunity to utilize their gifts and abilities to advance the work of our staff and national partners around the world. Careful planning and preparation is provided to ensure efforts are well placed and meaningful ministry occurs for all involved.
Teams are often formed by local churches, colleges or at the request of a particular field. Opportunities are also provided through our office. If you have a particular interest or specific that you would like to offer, contact our office to request an application. The information you provide will help match your interest and skills to a particular need either immediately or in the future.
Five types of service opportunities are available:
We help entrepreneurs get their act together before they talk to investors.